Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Entrepreneur course, the beginning...

Day one on the entrepreneur course is over and it went over all expectations!
It started with a Coach named Hilde from Moril - talking with us about the up´s and down´s in running your own business - Then we used the day to shortly present each other after a brief talk, then tell the rest of the group what we have planed for ourselves, and how far we are down the road on Business Strategy and so on.

Some where just starting and some already had most of it figured out already and only needed a little pushing.

I´m in the first category and am not yet ready. But I have started so I'm getting there :D
Got some good feedback from the coach and looking forward to getting more and learn more! I'm excited!

So now I only need to:
  1. do more research, 
  2. fill out more of the business plan, 
  3. find someone who are great at making web pages and design who can work project based, low cost.
  4. get a web page for my own company up and running 
  5. and then get into the marketing :D
    As you can see, there are something that needs to get done.

The course last 10 weeks so I still got some time to get there... fun fun fun :D

Friday, October 5, 2012

Making a business strategy within a week

Business strategy and finding a business idea in a week!

I have until next Thursday writing a strategy for a business that yet not exist...
Have been thinking of starting a webshop for many years, I have also been 
thinking about starting a small designer team to make websites.
I´m going for an international business. Business plan needed :)

After reading Tim Ferris book on The4HourWorkWeek really wanted to make some niche business online that
can earn me a little extra. But the problem is WHAT? I have been through so many ideas that I have no idea :(

Next week I'm attending a course in all I should need to know to be an entrepreneur - on how to make a company and how to keep it alive and running... I´m really looking forward to it - but to get it I have to have a business Idea written down within a week.. and I don´t have a clue..

Anyone how have some supporting and helpful tips?!

Business plan, business strategy, swot, ideas and help are greatly appreciated :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Puppy names - What will you name your pets ?

One of the things we must consider 
before we buy a new pet is the pets name.
Since the pet will live with you for a long time its
smart to have a name for it that you like!

When we got our first pet we did little research on names, and I don´t regret it so far since
I'm quite happy with the name we gave our little MiniDoodle.
We chose to name our puppy Sketch. He is the first member of our little "family" and therefor he is somewhat a Sketch. We got our MiniDoodle when he was only 8 weeks old, and we have seen him grow into a little bigger, but still a small dog. Our puppy is  5 months and the more we play with him the more fun does he get to be around.

But we where not supposed to talk about my puppy in this article... 

Sketch chewing on a pacifier :D

To select a pets name you should have a name that you feel comfortable using for many years to come. Don´t just name your dog Facebook or YOLO because its whats hot today. It´s a little like taking a tattoo, you want to be happy with it for a long time.
You don´t want to be a shamed when calling your pet its name out on the street or in the dog park.

To easier call your dogs name you should use dog names with "z" "s" or "r" in it. Let it roll on your tongue... 

Tazz - Mitzy - Zolo - Zorro - Zena - Zahirah - Ziyan

It gives a snap to the puppy´s name witch will make it easier for the dog to hear it! 
The dog is a part og your family and you care for it, therefore when your naming your pet it's similar to naming a child, in that you want a name that will promote their social well-being - you want them to fit in, while also being unique in their own right. The unique´ness in the name will make it easier to call your pet when in groups of other dogs that have more common names (maybe there is 3 dogs names Toby in the group)

We are expecting a new puppy into our household in only a month. This time a  RiesenSchnauzer or a Giant Schnauzer if you will. So the two dogs can keep each other company while we are at work or at the gym.
We are thinking about the name Terra - as in Earth. Or the more round spoken name, Luna - as in Moon

Did you know! Dog´s can probably see in light five times
dimmer than a human can see in.

There are lists of names to find here are some links to sites I have been looking at while searching for pet names.

If your interested in reading about animals in general give this link a try...

Well, if you have any questions about having a MiniDoodle, feel free comment!
I hope this helped you finding a name for you pets. Puppy names stick with the dog for the rest of its life so make sure to choose the right name for your dog!

24 hours at my cabin! Part 2

We walk, we eat, we relax and we sleep –
what better way to get back home refreched after
a 24hour break from reallity...

Wake up once around 10 to let Sketch out doing he´s thing.
Then we went back to sleep for another 4 hours!
Waking up feeling great, refeched and ready to take on the world!

Sketch got some food, I made me some breakfast 
( Yes I know its called LATE lunch at this time for all of you normal people) :D
Nothing beats eggs and beacon! So thats the menu!

Sketch all ready to walk, but waiting for me to finish breakfast! Reflex-jacket on! :D

Then at 3.pm we went out for another lovely walk. But not the same rout this time. This time I chose an old road not far from our cabin to walk on. 1.5 ours we walked, practised on "come", "Stay" and "heel".
But most of the time we just walked, and it felt great!

I got through the whole Tim Ferris tape I had on my phone and on our way back I just listened to
the forest and the wind ( I know this sounds a little hippie and tree hugger.. but still, it felt good) :D

There is some sand dunes on this road so I played with Sketch in them, and he loved it!
Got to run up and down in the sand, digging and having fun!
It makes me happy watching him having fun!

Its to cold for swimming, but Sketch liked to watch the water :D

Even the birds love our cabin :D

Sketch is totally dead after the hike today! Ill take that as a good sigh :D
When we got back to the cabin I started the grill and put on some salmon, chicken-bbq and hot dogs on. Eating outside in the sun watching the water and the fish jumping :D

Then the booring part, doing the dishes, cleaning up, closing the curtains and th windows.
Making sure the stove is off and the fireplace is safe to leave... all done and its all good!

Thank you for this time cabin!
Im planing on coming back next week :D

On our way home, driving slow and carefully. there are lots of amimals here and I don´t want to bring one with me :D
Saw a Fox on my way home!

One night at my cabin, loving it!

The "ness" of it all... The quietness, the calmness and the I'm really loving being on my cabin having
peace and no stress and noise´ness :D

Yesterday I found out I needed a little space from the world and really where missing the one place I could get it!
So I took a 1.5 hour drive, witch this time took me around 3 hours instead since I found so many nice places on my way up here to take photos, walking Sketch and just enjoying the sun.

 Stopped in Kongsberg to take a little walk with Sketch. Its really beautifull here!
I love the waterfall and have wanted to take a picture of it for a long time... next time ill do it hehe :D
BTW! Konhgsberg means The Kings Mountain! One of the reasons why the Old King wanted this mountain was that it was full off silver back in the days... The Silvermines there now only offer turist trips and if im not mistaken, you can also host a banquet there, deep down in the mountain! Pretty cool :D

On the road up to my cabin there is a cave, an old mine actually.
But that's what everyone else thinks, but I know better... Ill share it with you!
When my sister and I was little our parents told us the secret about this cave.
So that even today when I drive past it, it makes me smile!
This is where Santa lives! And every Christmas he have all the small elves put the Christmas gifts on the sled and he rides away to give it to all the good children :D

 This is my first time ever looking inside...

And this old house! 
My grandmother told me it was an old school many years ago when she was a young girl. 
This school did only have 11 or 13 students and I think I know why, its in the middle of nowhere!

When i finally got up here, I drove right by and continued up to the top of the mountain. 
               There is an old ski shop / cafe / parking area where er started our tour for 1.5 hour into the forest.
Parked the car and started walking with Sketch. The trail was wet and I had been smart enough to only wear 
sneakers so I got wet :D But most of the trail there where put out "bridges" so we just followed them and got out of the roughest parts. Sketch is really being a champion! 

He´s a small dog, but I don't think he knows that! 

He´s jumping through the muddy parts and almost swimming where there is an obstacle he must cross. Its so fun watching him! Its like don't tell me what I cant do... Ill do it anyways! :D

As a colleague of me said in a picture I posted on facebook;
"Its really nice to see a miniature dog being treated like a dog, and not just hanging on the arm and wearing a bling"
 I really liked hearing that, felt like I was doing something right!

And I am really trying! Reading lots of books, watched everything on dogs on YouTube soon.
I think and all the time trying to give Sketch a good life! Both me and my girlfriend are doing this of course!

When we got back to the car we where both tired and had had a great walk, jumping over puddles, taking pictures and enjoying the calm and empty trail.

 Sketch´s footprint in the mud :D

Then we rode down to the parking area some hundred meters from my cabin and started walking. Looking forward to making some dinner...
Eating a pizzaand watching a serieswhile relaxing in front of the fireplace!

Found a series I had not seen before but a friend recommended it to me, and it was just my kind of series! Suitis the name, and now I'm recommending it to you!
 (If you like series like;
 Lie to Me
The Mentalist
White Collar
and such, I'm guessing its in your interest to watch it also ) :D

One of the best things I look forward to when going to my cabin is my bed! Its big, soft and really comfortable and since the mountain air makes you wanting to go to sleep early and wake up feeling good. I did :D

Pictures from our first day!
Posting this in two posts since I have so many pictures that the browser goes a little slow...
So this is part 1... read also Part 2 :D